Emily B.

"Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
~Pablo Picaso

 My Artist Statement:

My goal with my art is not to impress or try to please anyone.  I just do what I am feeling and what comes to mind.  My art never really has a deeper meaning than what is seen, it's pretty much strait forward.  I do it because it's fun and I enjoy it, not to try to make people feel a certain way. 

      To me my artwork doesn’t seem very unique, just because the way I like to portray things is a really realistic type of art.  I just like to draw, or paint things the way they look.  I don’t really have a favorite size to pain things, I think it would be fun to paint something on a huge canvas but I’m perfectly fine with just painting on something small.  The types of mediums I like to use are just simple mediums, like paint, chalk, or pencil.  It’s just more convenient.
When I get a topic to paint or draw about I usually use the way I create the picture as a way to show how I feel about the topic, such as when we were given the topic of a social issue, I chose abortion as a negative issue.
       My goals for my artwork are possibly to have a part time job as an artist or maybe even just a hobby, I just really enjoy painting and drawing, it’s very calming and relaxing.  That’s part of the reason I have taken art all these years because I just enjoy it, even if I don’t do anything involving art as a job, I definitely will still continue to paint and draw.
My main influence for my art is my mom, she is an amazing artist and she’s the reason I wanted to be an artist ever since I was little.  I love the way she paints, because she makes the things real, like it was the exact picture of what she painted.
So, no matter what I decide to do in life, I will always love art, and creating art.